CJB On On!

Created by Paul 2 years ago

I met Collin on the Lagos Hash in October 1995 and we became friends, with a lot of banter.  We ran the Monday and Thursday hashes in and around Ikoyi and Victoria Island.  Oddly, we were both hash-christened on the same night - this is when you are given a Hash name.  Mine was Knoboff, Collin's F.. Bunny, almost unprintable.  After numerous runs we were elevated to Sir Knoboff and Sir F.. Bunny.  We were both yacht club members, too, so our paths frequently crossed.  One evening he dropped into my house in Glover Road for a quick beer and promptly fell asleep, he was a hard worker and was going through a hectic period.  When I left Lagos for the second time in 2007 we kept in touch, often exchanging emails still full of banter.  A great guy, he has left a lasting memory for many and for both Winnie and me.

On On!

Paul Denhart