Tribute to a Great Boss

Created by Toyin 2 years ago

My 2 years working with Mr Collin when i joined the Finance team was a memorable one. I recalled my last conversation with him on August 13, 2021, he advised me like a father should, and that made me see things in the way i had never imagined it.

Mr Collin was very dedicated to his work, and always takes life very easy and calm. He never misses to buy us (his team) chocolates every single Friday. Oh, how i looked forward to every Fridays and my own "TGIS" was real and full of expectations. Your doggedness to work was something i'd loved to reckoned with sir.

You are a true leader Mr Collin, you always show great empathy to your team and everyone around you, and that does not stopped you from giving a honest real time feedback to us. When you see a good work outcome, you'd say, "good one, i owe you a cold stone (ice cream) and chocolate"

Thank you for those wonderful memories shared in all the team hang outs, i always feel proud to be in your winning team, and you are dearly missed. REST ON SIR!

As you will be laid on mother ground this day, December 10, 2021, i pray your soul continue to rest in perfect peace. My sincere condolence to the Butt's families.
